Vanessa Stephen Feldenkrais Practitioner

Vanessa Stephen became a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner in 2017 as a result of a 4 year Training in Perth. She qualified in Radiography (Medical Imaging Technology) in 1989 which provided a background in human biology, anatomy, physics and physiology.
Vanessa has held a lifelong interest in movement and sport having represented W.A. in Touch Rugby in her youth and been a keen tennis player. Her “later life” sporting passions are golf and rowing. Learning to row at age 50 she rowed competitively for 5 years with the UWABC Masters Women rowing group. Vanessa is a Member of Nedlands Golf Club and plays off a 17 handicap.
Her mid-30’s was a different story, just about washed up and hopeless. She experienced many physical problems resulting in decline and pain. Problems appeared with the pelvis, back, neck, hips, calf, shoulder. Soon she was unable to participate in any sports. For 10 years she sought help from physio, chiro and Pilates. Despite good treatment the trend was downward leading some to say “that’s aging”.
A 2010 encounter with Feldenkrais classes changed all that. Firstly, chronic pains lifted. Secondly, movement, life and mood lightened. So impressed by the changes Vanessa did the 4 year Feldenkrais training.
It was through the improved self Awareness that Feldenkrais fosters that Vanessa was able to change her action and thinking behind sport and movement in general. It was this learning that helped her row without back pain, lower her golf handicap without “trying so hard”, finding the flow of movement as opposed to muscling her way through.
Vanessa is passionate about the Method and its ability to help people improve in may ways.
The Australian Feldenkrais Guild Inc has some of the latest research papers regarding the Feldenkrais Method on their website here.
Vanessa presents Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM)® classes each school term.
Contact Vanessa to inquire about or book a 1 hour private Functional Integration session (FI)®.
Some on the NDIS can have their private sessions and group classes fully refunded. Since April 2019 the Government removed Feldenkrais from Health Funds rebate eligibility.