About Nicki Netherway


Nicki Netherway completed the Perth 3 Feldenkrais Training in August 2017 and has a keen interest in teaching people of all ages to move, walk and run with greater ease. Nicki’s one-on-one Functional Integration® lessons have helped to rehabilitate injuries, relieve back pain and improve posture. She has experience working with people with brain injuries, Parkinsons and cerebral palsy.

Nicki worked for many years as a Geologist but is now a carer for her severely disabled son. It was through her son’s therapy that she was first introduced to the remarkable effectiveness of the Feldenkrais Method, and her passion has grown over the past 17 years of personal exploration with the method. Nicki has used Feldenkrais in her own rehabilitation of a shoulder reconstruction and a knee replacement.  With renewed mobility Nicki plays hockey, tennis, cycles, loves hiking and even enjoys running!

In November 2017 Nicki enjoyed the opportunity to teach Vanessa’s regular Awareness Through Movement classes for Simply Better Movement.